The Geode seismic recorder combines the best of Geometrics’ traditional seismic recorders with the flexibility and convenience of a distributed system. It’s ideal for refraction or reflection, downhole or TSP and VSP – even tomography surveys. The Geode seismic modules house from 3 to 24 channels each, weigh only 8 lbs.(3.6 kg) and interconnect using inexpensive digital network cable. The Geode will run all day on a small 12v battery and sleeps when not in use. Geode architecture and Geometrics software lets you build seismic recording systems from 3 to 1000 channels with multiple lines and built-in roll capability. The low power Geodes even have an on-board hardware correlator that can be used for swept sources and MiniSosie (psuedo-random) surveys and compress data before transmission. Place a Geode module out on the line close to the geophones or well head and eliminate long, expensive analog cables. Never hassle with poor connections and bad roll box contacts when doing a reflection survey. And when you are not using the Geode for exploring, use it for monitoring earthquakes, quarry blasts or vibration from heavy equipment.